43rd District Democrats 2021 Reorganization Meeting
The biennial reorganization meeting of the 43rd District Democrats will be held online at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 19th. Precinct Committee Officers (PCOs), members, and others interested in attending should register to attend to ensure that they receive instructions on how to join and vote at the meeting.
At our reorganization meeting, we will elect new officers to serve two-year terms. We will also consider potential bylaws amendments, appoint new PCOs, and discuss our plans for the 2021 cycle.
All 2020 members and PCOs will be eligible to vote at reorganization. New members must have joined by January 9th to vote. All eligible voters will receive their voting code in a an email, please keep an eye out for it and email us at tally@43rddemocrats.org if you don't have it by Monday the 18th.
The linked agenda has been proposed for the reorganization meeting.
The linked rules have been proposed for the reorganization meeting.
Bylaws Amendments
Please read proposed bylaws amendments here.
Officer Elections
At the reorganization meeting we will be electing a team of officers to lead us through this year and the 2022 election cycle. You can view statements from currently declared candidates here.
Who is the best choice for each office? Perhaps it’s you! If you are interested in running, you can get your message out a couple of ways:
Submit a candidate statement to secretary@43rddemocrats.org by Friday, January 15 for posting to this website.
Join the 43rd District Democrats Forum group on Facebook and make an announcement there
You do not have to send a statement in advance, nominations will be taken from the floor and anyone can run. If you have any questions about running for a board position please contact chair@43rddemocrats.org to have them answered.
The offices up for election are:
State Committee Representative (2 Representatives of Different Genders)
King County Central Committee Representative (2 Representatives of Different Genders)
Alternate King County Central Committee Representative (2 Representatives)