2020 November General Endorsements

Please direct any questions regarding endorsements to elections@43rddemocrats.org.

View a printable Sample Ballot to share with your neighbors


State Executive

State Legislature

State Supreme Court

King County Superior Court

Ballot measures

State Intitatives

King County Charter Amendments - YES ON ALL

  • Charter Amendment No. 1 -- Inquests

  • Charter Amendment No. 2 -- Disposition of Real Property for Affordable Housing

  • Charter Amendment No. 3 -- References to Citizens

  • Charter Amendment No. 4 -- Office of Law Enforcement Oversight - Subpoena Authority

  • Charter Amendment No. 5 -- Making the King County Sheriff an Appointed Position

  • Charter Amendment No. 6 -- Structure and Duties of the Department of Public Safety

  • Charter Amendment No. 7 -- Prohibiting Discrimination on the Basis of Family Caregiver, Military or Veteran Status

  • Proposition No. 1 -- Harborview Medical Center Health and Safety Improvement Bonds

Seattle Proposition 1 - Seattle Transportation Benefit District - YES


The list of candidates that were eligible for our endorsement is available here.

The questionnaires submitted by candidates are available in the 43rd District Democrats Google Drive folder.

Endorsement Process

The membership voted on endorsements at our June and September General Membership meetings in accordance with our 2020 Endorsement Rules. Due to the ongoing novel coronavirus pandemic, this was a virtual meeting conducted over Cisco Webex Meetings, and votes were conducted using Google Forms. Links to the ballot forms for the meeting are available for June and September.

Minutes from those meetings are available for June and September.

Additionally, raw vote data and the Tally Committee’s tabulation spreadsheets can be found in our public Google Drive folder.