February 18th General Meeting
7:00pm - Call to Order
9:00pm - Anticipated Adjournment
The meeting will be virtual.
Join us at our February 18th General Meeting of the 43rd Democrats. Meet the new board, learn about how we can support our local Dems growing their skills, meet a port commissioner candidate, learn how we can support our immigrant and refugee and LGBTQ+ community, plus THREE resolutions.
Please take some time to review these resolutions before the meeting. If you have questions, please reach out!
a resolution on affordable housing at Fort Lawton
a resolution on the SeaTac Sustainable Airport Master Plan
a resolution calling on Bob Ferguson to support a Wealth Tax
Thank you for participating in this important organizing meeting. We look forward to working with you to help get Democrats elected throughout the region.
If you have any questions, please reach out to one of the board members (see list here).
November 19th General Meeting
The 2024 election is over, with great disappointment at the national level but with great hope for Seattle, the 43rd, and Washington. Join us at our November 19th General Meeting of the 43rd Democrats to hear about What's Next from our legislators. We'll have Jamie Pedersen, Nicole Macri, and Alexis Mercedes Rinck.
We'll also have a presentation on how you can follow along during the upcoming legislative session.
Finally, we'll give details about our holiday party (Dec 17), the start of PCO terms, and our reorganization where we elect board members.
Our agenda for our November 19th General Meeting includes a resolution on affordable housing at Fort Lawton. Please take some time to review the resolution. If you have questions, please reach out!
Register for the November 19th Meeting!
October 15th General Meeting
Ballots drop in a few weeks & the Seattle Budget Season has started. At our October meeting we will hear from Alexis Mercedes Rinck and Shaun Scott about why this election is so critical to the 43rd. We'll also learn about the proposed massive cuts to the Seattle budget, how this will effect us an our community, and what we can do about it.
Our agenda for our October 15th General Meeting includes a resolution on affordable housing at Fort Lawton. Please take some time to review the resolution. If you have questions, please reach out!
Register for the October 15th Meeting!
Our Agenda - Read the full agenda
Ballots mailed Wed Oct 16th, arriving around the 18th
PCO terms are ending; new ones beginning
2025-26 Reorg coming in January
Alexis Mercedes Rinck (Seattle Council Position 8) - https://www.alexisforseattle.com/
Shaun Scott (LD43 Legislature) - https://www.betterwashington.org/
Get Out The Vote: Relational organizing, adopting a precinct, getting PCO walk lists
Saving the Seattle Budget - Seattle Solidarity Budget - https://www.seattlesolidaritybudget.com/
The proposed Seattle City Budget is under review. We’ll learn about what’s in it, what’s not in it, and how you can get engaged to lobby for progressive values with City Council and the Mayor
Read the agenda for details on the budget, reports from city offices, the timeline, and how to get involved
Get Out the Vote!
If you're a PCO, fill out our PCO Canvassing List Request Form. It will help Ryan Driscoll, our PCO chair, to customize a list to your specifications. If you have additional questions, reach out to Ryan at pco-committee-chair@43rdDemocrats.org.
Register for the October 15th General Meeting. Thank you for helping get out the vote for our endorsed candidates!
- Paul Chapman, Chair, 43rd LD Democrats
June 18th Endorsement Meeting
June is endorsement month, and I'd like to invite you to attend our June 18 meeting at 7pm to vote on which candidates the 43rd LD Democrats should endorse. If you're not already a member of the 43rd, join or renew your membership for 2024 so you can fully participate as a voting member.
Here's what's on our agenda for the June 18 General Meeting:
Pride Brunch Update
PCO Appointments
Our endorsement rules are available on the Bylaws & Rules page.
The list of candidates is included in the agenda.
See the full agenda.
Click here to register today for the June 18th meeting!
We look forward to seeing you on June 18th for our General Meeting!
May 21st Meeting of the 43rd Dems
At this month's 43rd LD General Meeting, we'll organize to be prepared for the upcoming election year: State Convention, our annual Pride Brunch, the WA Dems Coordinated Campaign, the Republican-led initiatives, and an update on Social Housing. (Register here.)
Reminder: Our endorsement meeting is June 18. Join or renew your membership for 2024, so you can fully participate as a voting member.
Here's what's on our agenda for May 21 General Meeting:
State & National Convention News
Pride Brunch Update
Candidate Introductions
Coordinated Campaign Update
PCO Appointments
Social Housing Update - Tiffany McCoy
Combatting the Republican State Initiatives
See the full agenda.
Click here to register today for the May 21 meeting!
We look forward to seeing you on May 21 for our General Meeting!
Advocacy Opportunities! Attend the 43rd Dems April 16 General Meeting!
At this month's 43rd LD General Meeting, we'll hear from community organizers & candidates, learn about how to run to be a Precinct Committee Officer (PCO), and get caught up on the plans for the State Convention. Join us for a full agenda for our April 16 General Meeting of the 43rd Democrats! ( Register here.)
Join or renew your membership for 2024, so you can fully participate as a voting member.
Here's what's on our agenda for April 16:
Candidate Introductions
SoundTransit 4th Ave Station - Presentation by Betty Lau & Brien Chow
More information: http://transitequityforall.org/ and a video Every City NEEDS a Transit Hub! | Seattle's Big Decision - YouTube (skip the ad!)
Resolution Supporting 4th Ave Station (Click here for text of resolution)
How to run to be a PCO
State & National Convention Information
Resolution to Support gig worker minimum wage and advocate against Seattle City Council efforts to minimum wage for these workers (Click here for text of resolution)
Board Election for King County Democrats Alternate [PCO only vote] ( Read the Candidate Statements)
Committee Chair Intros & Committee Reports
See the full agenda.
We look forward to seeing you on April 16 for our General Meeting.
Click here to register today for the April 16 meeting!
See you April 16!
- Paul Chapman, Chair, 43rd LD Democrats
p.s., you don't need to be a member to attend our meetings. We welcome you to attend to learn more about what's happening in the 43rd LD, Seattle, King County, and Washington politics.
But if you'd like to join so you can vote on endorsements & resolutions, and help us expand the progressive action of the 43rd, you can do so here.
PCO Recruitment
We need more PCOs! The endorsement process quickly gives over to Getting Out the Vote, and for that purpose we need a strong organization. The good news is - you can get involved in a big way by becoming a PCO.
Step 1: Find Your Precinct using King County Find My District and Check the list of vacant precincts.
Step 2: Application: complete this form for King County and email chair@43rddemocrats.org
Comprehensive Plan, Resolutions, Budget! Attend the 43rd Dems March 19 General Meeting!
This month we've got a packed agenda with a number of critical votes on Board, Budget, and resolutions for social justice, housing. We'll also get caught up on the One Seattle Comprehensive Plan. Join us for a full agenda for our March 19 General Meeting of the 43rd Democrats! ( Register here.)
We're also looking for you to become a delegate to the WA Dems State Convention June 22 in Bellevue. Requirements are (1) Be a Democrat and (2) Live in the 43rd! Come to the meeting to learn more. You can register to run to be a delegate at this link!
Join or renew your membership for 2024, so you can fully participate. You must be a member to vote for delegates to our state convention.
Here's what's on our agenda for March 19:
Candidate Introductions
PCO Appointments
Board Election for King County Democrats Alternate [PCO only vote] ( Read the Candidate Statements)
State & National Convention Delegate Selection Process
Budget presentation & approval ( Proposed Budget at this link)
One Seattle Comprehensive Plan
Resolution in Support of and Endorsing I-137 Social Housing Funding ( link to text)
Resolution Rejecting the Seattle 2024 Comprehensive Plan and Demanding Seattle Live Up to Its Stated Housing and Climate Goals ( link to text)
Resolution Condemning Ann Davison’s Anti-Democratic Refusal to Try Cases Before Duly and Democratically Elected Judge Pooja Vaddadi ( link to text)
Resolution Condemning the Murder of Jaahnavi Kandula and Call for Meaningful Police Reform ( link to text)
See the full agenda.
We look forward to seeing you on March 19 for our General Meeting.
Click here to register today for the March 19 meeting!
Be part of history! We need YOU to be a 43rd Delegate to the Washington State Convention
We're asking YOU to consider running to be a 43rd LD delegate to the Washington State Convention! And we're asking you to join or renew your membership for 2024, so you can vote for delegates to our state convention.
Already convinced? Then go to wadelegateregistration2024.com to register to run as a delegate.
Why become a State Delegate?
You will vote on the WA delegates to the National Convention to nominate our candidate for President.
You will nominate the Democratic candidates for Governor and other statewide offices.
You will propose amendments to and vote on the Washington Democratic platform.
You will meet other energetic Democrats and kick off the 2024 Get Out the Vote effort.
Who can be a State Delegate for the 43rd LD?
Any Democrat who resides in the 43rd LD.
We also want to hit our Affirmative Action targets, and so are especially seeking delegates who are Hispanic/Latino, Black, Native American, AAPI, LGBTQ+, younger than 35, or who have a disability. The self-nomination process will ask for demographic information.
Who will vote on 43rd LD State Delegates?
All voting members of the 43rd LD. You can join or renew your membership for 2024, so you can vote for delegates to our state convention
How can you become a 43rd LD State Delegate?
Go to wadelegateregistration2024.com to register to run as a delegate.
Want more information to make up your mind?
We'd love to see you join the 43rd and become a State Convention Delegate!
February 20 General Meeting: Black History Month Presentation, State Delegate Process, and Ceasefire Resolution
Join us for a full agenda for our February 20 General Meeting of the 43rd Democrats! ( Register here.)
Join or renew your membership for 2024, so you can fully participate. You must be a member to vote for delegates to our state convention.
Here's what's on our agenda for February 20:
Resolution In Support of an Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza (Text of the resolution)
Black History Month - Deaunte Damper
Deaunte is the community organizer for Vocal Washington, the VP of WA Therapy Fund, part of the leadership team for BUILD206 and the former Host of “We Live in Color” for Converge Media.
Board Elections
Tech Chair
King County Democrats Alternate [PCO only vote]
State & National Convention Delegate Selection Process
Please skim this summary of the process in advance!
We'll vote on these rules for our delegate forum.
2024 Budget for 43rd Dems
A few other things this month!
Reminder that our Olympia Delegation is hosting a 43rd LD Town Hall on Feb 17 at 1pm at Seattle First Baptist Church, 1111 Harvard Ave.
VOTE in the KCD Conservation District Election by February 13
And, here's a List of Bills our Policy Team has recommended we track.
See the full agenda.
We look forward to seeing you on February 20, for our General Meeting.
Click here to register today for the February 20 meeting!
PCO Recruitment
We need more PCOs! The endorsement process quickly gives over to Getting Out the Vote, and for that purpose we need a strong organization. The good news is - you can get involved in a big way by becoming a PCO.
Step 1: Find Your Precinct using King County Find My District and Check the list of vacant precincts.
Step 2: Application: complete this form for King County and email chair@43rddemocrats.org
See you February 20!
- Paul Chapman, Chair, 43rd LD Democrats
p.s., you don't need to be a member to attend our meetings. We welcome you to attend to learn more about what's happening in the 43rd LD, Seattle, King County, and Washington politics.
But if you'd like to join so you can vote on endorsements & resolutions, and help us expand the progressive action of the 43rd, you can do so here.
February 11, 2024 KC Dems' 2024 Presidential Year Campaign Kickoff
2024 is a pivotal year for our democracy, and our friends at https://www.kcdems.org/ are kicking off the 2024 campaign year with a kickoff event to meet statewide candidates.
This event is an opportunity to get involved early with the campaigns, to have your voice heard, and to make an impact on our city, county, state and country. Let's make your 43rd LD a force to be reckoned with this presidential election year!
2024 Kickoff — Presidential Primary and Delegate Selection
Hosted by King County Democrats
Sunday, February 11th, 11am – 2pm
Machinists Hall, 9125 15th Pl S, Seattle, WA 98108
(tickets are limited, you must be on the RSVP list to attend)
==> RSVP NOW <==
The following speakers are confirmed:
Congressman Adam Smith
Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal
King County Councilmember Rod Dembowski
King County Councilmember Girmay Zahilay
Statewide Candidates
Lt. Governor
Denny Heck
Attorney General
Manka Dhingra
Nick Brown
Commissioner of Public Lands
Patrick De Poe
We need all hands on deck this year and we are ready to start now. We will have action stations including a photo booth, postcard writing, door knocking sign-ups, info on becoming a delegate and more. You may have heard about the _SIX_ mega-millionaire-funded initiatives that will likely be on our ballot -- the votes to defeat those are here in King County and we will need your help to make that happen.
Vote Now for King County Conservation District
The 43rd LD endorsed Brittney Bush Bollay for King County Conservation District.
Voting is online only and runs January 23 through February 13. See the King County website for instructions on how to vote.
PCO Recruitment
As always, we need more PCOs! As we head into this critical election year, we need a strong organization. The good news is - you can get involved in a big way by becoming a PCO.
Step 1: Find Your Precinct using King County Find My District and Check the list of vacant precincts.
Step 2: Application: complete this form for King County and email chair@43rddemocrats.org
Thank you so much for helping us make Seattle and Washington a better community!
- James Barker on behalf of Paul Chapman, Chair, 43rd LD Democrats
p.s., you don't need to be a member to attend our meetings. We welcome you to attend to learn more about what's happening in the 43rd LD, Seattle, King County, and Washington politics.
But if you'd like to join so you can vote on endorsements & resolutions, and help us expand the progressive action of the 43rd, you can do so here.