Your 2019 Executive Board
At our Reorganization Meeting tonight, we elected our new Executive Board:
Chair: Scott Alspach
First Vice Chair: Tara Gallagher
Treasurer: Brad Bell
Secretary: Ellen Eades
Vice Chair for Elections: Sam McVeety
Vice Chair for PCO Recruitment: Shua Sanchez
Vice Chair for Communications: Joey Wieser
Vice Chair for Technology: Annabelle Backman
Vice Chair for Events: Alejandro Castillo
Vice Chair for Programs and Meetings: Noel Renggli
Vice Chair for Member Recruitment: Jessi Murray
State Committee Representatives: Amy Madden and Rod Palmquist
KCDCC Representatives: Maddy Vonhoff and Galaxy Marshall
KCDCC Representative Alternates: Anquida Adams and Scott Forbes
Thank you to everyone who came out to participate in our Reorganization meeting tonight!