Bylaws Committee Status: 01/28/2019

The Rules and Bylaws Committee has our first video conference meeting scheduled for Wednesday, January 30th, 2019, from 7:00 PM until 9:00 PM. The tentative agenda calls for us to identify issues with the Bylaws, prioritize to identify the top issues, and assign action items to members toward resolving those. I am writing up more issues along with proposed changes to address them, in preparation for that meeting.

As mentioned previously, the Committee’s work is being tracked in GitHub, and can be found here: This repository is now updated with information on the file formats used for the bylaws, and how we are managing changes in the repository:


You can view issues that have been filed for the Committee’s consideration on the Issues tab. You can also comment on issues and/or create new ones if you have suggestions for the Committee, provided that you are signed into a GitHub account (registration is free).

As always, please feel free to send any comments, questions, or feedback to Thank you for your interest and participation!

Annabelle Backman
Chair, Rules and Bylaws Committee
43rd District Democrats


Bylaws Committee Status: 02/02/2019


Rules and Bylaws Committee