July 21st General Meeting

Our Tuesday, July 21st meeting will be held online. Please register for the meeting here to receive updates and information on how to join. 

At this meeting we will be:

  • Electing a new PCO Committee Chair! If you are interested in running for this position please contact Scott Alspach at chair@43rddemocrats.org

  • Our GOTV strategy for the August Primary election

  • Receiving an update on Defunding the Seattle Police Department

  • Appointing three new PCOs


July 21st, 2020, 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM. We will open up the meeting at 6:30 for anyone who wants to join early in order to test out the meeting software.

WHERE: Online via Webex! Registration is required, please do so hereYou will notice that registration is through ActionNetwork this month.  We believe this will be simpler for everyone and you will receive the information to join the meeting as the meeting date approaches.

ACCESSIBILITY: Please reply to this email or contact chair@43rddemocrats.org if you need any assistance joining or participating in an online meeting. Voting will be much easier on a personal computer or tablet than it is over the phone. If you plan to join the meeting by phone please let us know so we can assist you in ensuring your vote is counted.

Eligibility to vote: In order to be eligible to vote new members must join by Saturday July 11th. 2019 members have until the begging of the meeting to renew their membership and be eligible but we STRONGLY recommend renewing as early as possible to ensure you are eligible to vote and to ease the burden on our credentials and tally committee. Sign up to join the 43rd District Democrats here.

Voting: Each eligible voter will be sent a Voter ID that they will use to vote during the meeting. Expect to receive your code over the coming week along with more information about the voting process. Please let us know if you have any questions about the process before the meeting. It will help things go much smoother if we are able to help you out with questions or technical difficulties before the meeting begins.


43rd Representative Candidate Forum Thursday September 10th


Statement on Improving our Resolutions Process