43rd LD Reorganization - January 17, 2023
Our reorg for the 43rd LD Democrats is January 17, 2023, and we’re inviting you to participate.
Register for the virtual meeting by clicking here.
What’s a “reorg”? Reorg is how we choose our board to represent our membership, and is mandated by state law every two years. In the coming biennial, the 43rd will have the opportunity to influence the Seattle City Council elections, state & federal races, King County elections, and the Washington State legislative sessions.
Click here for the agenda for the meeting.
Click here for the proposed rules for the meeting.
Click here for the list of candidates for board positions.
At our January reorg meeting, we’ll elect every board position (see descriptions here). Only PCOs elected in 2022 (those who either filed and were unopposed or won their election) can vote for the following board positions:
State Committee Members
King County Committee Members & alternates
All voting members can vote for the committee chairs and other positions. If you are an elected PCO or paid membership dues during 2022 and reside in the 43rd, you are a voting member for this reorg. These positions are:
Chair—Communications committee
Chair—Elections committee
Chair—Fundraising committee
Chair—Meetings and Events committee
Chair—Membership committee
Chair—PCO committee
Chair—Policy and Advocacy committee
Chair—Technology committee
How you can participate
If you’re an elected PCO, or voting member, look for an email with instructions and your voting code.
Attend the meeting to vote for your board members!
For more information
Click here for the agenda for the meeting.
Click here for the proposed rules for the meeting.
Click here for the list of candidates for board positions.
If you have any questions, you can also reach out to the current Chair and Vice Chair
Chair, Paul Chapman: chair@43rddemocrats.org
Vice Chair, Tara Gallagher: vicechair@43rddemocrats.org