Come learn about social housing, lidding I-5, and ranked-choice voting!

Learn at 6pm from House Our Neighbors, FairVote Washington, and Lid I-5, and vote at 7pm! General meeting.

Please join us on Tuesday, April 19, for our next General Meeting!

6PM: Learn About Initiative 135 - Social Housing

In addition to our regular meeting this month, join us an hour early learn about Initiative 135 and Social Housing. This initiative seeks to create a public development organization that will create publicly owned, social housing for those making 0-120% of area median income. If you've got questions about how we can make Seattle more affordable, what social housing is, and how this initiative might help, join us! You can send questions you might have in advance to

7PM: General Meeting

Please keep in mind that we do try to be respectful of each other's volunteered time and so will try to keep ourselves and fellow members to the agenda's times!

This meeting includes several guest speakers: candidates for local races, from the Lid I-5 campaign, and on Ranked Choice Voting. Additionally, we'll vote on a Budget, and on a resolution to endorse the Social Housing Initiative 135.

You can review the agenda here, and the March 2022 Meeting Minutes here.


We're endorsing in June!


March Meeting and Voter-Listening