March 18th General Meeting

Join the 43rd LD for our March General Meeting on March 18th from 7-9 pm on Zoom.  Meet local candidates Claudia Balducci, Nathan Rouse, Girmay Zahilay, and Rory O'Sullivan. Learn about the 43rd's 2025 projects and goals and how you can get involved in the 43rd LD Committees! Plus budget and PCO approvals, a potential update on the state legislative session from our state lawmakers, and three resolutions.

For our candidate introductions, we are adjusting our process to create more opportunity for you to engage.  If you have any questions you would like to ask any of the candidates, please submit them using this form: Note: Please list both the question and the candidate(s) you want to ask it to!

Our agenda for our March 18th General Meeting includes three resolutions.  Please take some time to review these resolutions before the meeting. If you have questions, please reach out!

Looking forward to seeing many of you on the 18th!


February 18th General Meeting