Rep. Pramila Jayapal Joins April 21st Online General Meeting

Our Tuesday, April 21 meeting will be the first of our general meetings held online due to the governor’s ongoing “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” order.

Please join us for the following highlights

  • Representative Pramila Jayapal will join to discuss the federal response to the coronarvirus and take some questions.

  • 43rd Representative Nicole Macri will discuss the state response, what’s next for the legislature and answer questions.

  • We will consider proposed rules for remote meetings to allow us to conduct business moving forward.

  • An update on the delegate selection process and why you should run for delegate


WHEN: April 21, 2020, 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM. We will open up the meeting at 6:30 for anyone who wants to join early in order to test out the meeting software.

WHERE: Online via Webex! Registration is required, please do so here (we only need your name and email, please ignore the other fields).

: the password for the meeting is 43rddems

ACCESSIBILITY: Please reply to this email or contact if you need any assistance joining or participating in an online meeting.

Invite your friends to attend via the registration link or our facebook event!


43rd Candidate Conversations April 27- May 1st


"Run for Delegate" Webinar, 7 p.m. Wednesday April 15th