Will we see you at our May General Meeting?
It’s May 18; Be sure to RSVP!
We'll hear candidate statements from Sen. Joe Nguyen (running for King County Executive) and Nikkita Oliver (running for Seattle City Council Position 9). You will also have the opportunity to learn up on renter's rights through our local LGBTQ Allyship's presentation, and cover a legislative recap together with our 43rd Sen. Jamie Pedersen, Rep. Frank Chopp, and Rep. Nicole Macri…
It’s May 18; Be sure to RSVP!
We'll hear candidate statements from Sen. Joe Nguyen (running for King County Executive) and Nikkita Oliver (running for Seattle City Council Position 9). You will also have the opportunity to learn up on renter's rights through our local LGBTQ Allyship's presentation, and cover a legislative recap together with our 43rd Sen. Jamie Pedersen, Rep. Frank Chopp, and Rep. Nicole Macri!
To be respectful of everyone's time, please be sure to read through the agenda and resolutions beforehand. Our proposed resolutions are as follows:
In Support of A 43rd Mutual Aid Committee (and an FAQ on Mutual Aid)
In Support of A Seattle City Council Climate Committee
(Join early at 6:30PM for any technological or voting assistance.) Feel free to RSVP on Facebook, where we'll post reading reminders.
Did you miss our last meeting?
No fear! We recorded it. There were a lot of mayoral candidates who gave statements—which Capitol Hill Seattle Blog covered—and we passed a number of resolutions.
Join us for our April Meeting! (+some updates)
April 20th at 7pm We'll hear from Congressional Rep. Adam Smith, King County Executive Dow Constantine running for re-election, Port Commissioner Stephanie Bowman for re-election, and mayoral candidates Jessyn Farrell, Andrew Grant Houston, Colleen Echohawk, Lorena González, and Bruce Harrell!…Read more for the agenda and RSVP link, COVID-19 vaccination and eviction moratorium updates.
Join us April 20th at 7pm
We'll hear from Congressional Rep. Adam Smith, King County Executive Dow Constantine running for re-election, Port Commissioner Stephanie Bowman for re-election, and mayoral candidates Jessyn Farrell, Andrew Grant Houston, Colleen Echohawk, Lorena González, and Bruce Harrell! Be sure to read through the agenda's linked items beforehand so we can all stay on time. (Come early at 6:30PM for any technological or voting assistance.) A link will be sent to you closer to the meeting date after you RSVP. Will you join us?
COVID-19 Vaccinations 16+!
Seattle has already opened sign-ups to its four mass vaccination sites to all King County residents and workers over the age of 16. Eligibility will expand statewide on April 15th.
Seattle's Eviction Moratorium
After we and so many other Seattleites sent letters to the mayor's office asking extension of the moratorium through the end of this year. Mayor Jenny Durkan decided to extend it through the end of June.
Legislative and Electoral Updates
Be sure to keep an eye out in your inboxes for routine Elections Committee and Policy & Advocacy Committee emails! We're doing our darnedest since March to keep you informed on local campaigns and any action you can take at the Legislature.
March General Meeting
Happy Spring, everyone! We’ll be holding our virtual March meeting at the usual 7pm time on the 16th…Read more for the agenda and RSVP link.
Happy Spring, everyone! We’ll be holding our virtual March meeting at the usual 7pm time on the 16th.
Please, take a look at the agenda for proposed resolutions you may vote on! Remember, you must be a 2021-registered 43rd Dems member to receive a vote code. RSVP here to receive the virtual meeting link closer to the meeting date. In the meantime, you may also RSVP to the Facebook event page where we'll post reading reminders of each proposed resolution throughout the week.
February General Meeting
Register, and you’ll later receive a video call link and your voting code. Remember, being able to vote also requires making sure you've renewed your membership for 2021! To check your membership status, email Bryce Kolton at membership@43rddemocrats.org. There’s also a Facebook event for this upcoming meeting where we’ll post periodic reminders on each agenda item…
Register to attend
Register, and you’ll later receive a video call link and your voting code. Remember, being able to vote also requires making sure you've renewed your membership for 2021! To check your membership status, email Bryce Kolton at membership@43rddemocrats.org. There’s also a Facebook event for this upcoming meeting where we’ll post periodic reminders on each agenda item!
You may find the agenda here, which includes the following:
a resolution on the Washington Strong green bonds proposal
a resolution endorsing the Kshama Solidarity campaign
a resolution in support of a restorative gender justice policy
Additional items to consider before the February General Meeting:
We are currently accepting candidate statements (250 words max) for the to-be-created Policy Committee Chair. Please send your statements to secretary@43rddemocrats.org.
You can view current Policy Committee Chair candidate statements here.
Each of our members also have a forthcoming opportunity to sign up as a Precinct Committee Officer (PCO) for the 43rd District Democrats!