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Ready to deploy new PAC in support, 43rd District Dems take progressive approach in 2021 endorsements: González, Oliver, Thomas-Kennedy - CHS Blog

It was a calm and orderly takeover Tuesday night as progressive candidates completed a mostly clean sweep of November election endorsements by the 43rd District Democrats. Meanwhile, the local Dems from neighborhoods across Capitol Hill to across Lake Union in Fremont and Green Lake hope to deploy new influence this election season as they launch a first for the community group — a political action committee to raise funds to support its slate of endorsed candidates.

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It was a calm and orderly takeover Tuesday night as progressive candidates completed a mostly clean sweep of November election endorsements by the 43rd District Democrats. Meanwhile, the local Dems from neighborhoods across Capitol Hill to across Lake Union in Fremont and Green Lake hope to deploy new influence this election season as they launch a first for the community group — a political action committee to raise funds to support its slate of endorsed candidates.

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